Our team list
Professor Goodluck Urassa
FOUNDER & CHAIRMANProfessor Urassa is the Founder and Chairman of EFL with a renowned experience in entrepreneurship, business management and organizational development.
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Ms. Jacqueline Lujuo
MANAGING DIRECTORMs Jacqueline is the Managing Director and one of the founders of EFL. Prior to establishing EFL, Jacqueline worked with Barclays Bank as a Credit Analyst,...
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Ms. Carolyne Ruth Jacob Muro.
BOARD MEMBERMs. Carolyne is a respected law practitioner and founding partner of Joachim & Jacobs Attorneys in Tanzania’s....
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Adv. Amani A. Mwakyoma
SECRETARYMr Amani Mwakayoma is an Advocate working as the Corporate/Legal Counsel at Tumaini University, Dar es Salaam College. Amani has substantial experience of...
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